Pregnancy Pilates

Our pregnancy Pilates classes are suitable for pre-natal women with a second child after the first trimester and post-natal women after a six-week check with a GP or midwife giving approval to participate in a Pilates exercise programme. It is important that all pregnant  women do not begin an exercise regime without approval from a GP.

At Poundbury Pilates expectant mothers can take private one-to-one sessions. We do not offer public group classes for pregnancy. Alternatively, shared private sessions (duet, trio and quad) are available to be arranged at a time convenient for you. Ideal for couples, friends and family who wish to train together.

Our pregnancy programmes are tailored to your individual needs giving a safe, low impact and effective way to exercises during pregnancy and after birth. A combination of specially adapted matwork exercises and equipment exercises using large apparatus (Reformer, chair and Cadillac) in the comfort of a fully equipped studio will help to alleviate the aches and pains associated with pregnancy and help you to regain your pre-baby body after pregnancy.

Contact us today to book your introduction to Pilates or simply for more information.